Cheryl Willis-Hudson

Cheryl Willis Hudson is an award-winning children’s book author and co-founder of Just Us Books, an independent publishing company that focuses on Black-interest books for young people, which she co-founded with her husband Wade.

“Books are definitely culture carriers. I believe all of us can learn more about each other and can make a positive difference in the lives of children and adults by sharing our unique stories and the wonderful diversity of people on this planet. Good books do make a difference.

That’s why I’ve spent my career writing, designing, editing and publishing children’s books; talking about the need for diversity in the classroom; visiting schools and libraries; encouraging parents to read for and with their children and actively advocating family literacy.”

Presentation categories:

Children’s Literature—The Emphasis Is on Diversity
So You Want to Write a Children’s Book?
Good Books Make a Difference—Finding and Using Multicultural Books for Children

More about Cheryl: